20 Feet Manuscript Antique Janam Patri / Astrological Birth Chart
  • 20 Feet Manuscript Antique Janam Patri / Astrological Birth Chart
  • 20 Feet Manuscript Antique Janam Patri / Astrological Birth Chart
  • 20 Feet Manuscript Antique Janam Patri / Astrological Birth Chart
  • 20 Feet Manuscript Antique Janam Patri / Astrological Birth Chart
  • 20 Feet Manuscript Antique Janam Patri / Astrological Birth Chart

20 Feet Manuscript Antique Janam Patri / Astrological Birth Chart


Indian Manuscript

Antique Janam Patri / Astrological Birth Chart

Birth chart is a pictorial representation of planets at the time of a child's birth. It is created on the basis of the exact date, time, and place of birth. The chart denotes various positions of planets and constellations at the time of the child's birth. It is a handwritten Hindu religious birth chart.

Condition: Manuscript is in worn condition with evidence of aging and storing.

About 100 - 150 years old

Total Length: 20 Feet / 240 inches .. it is a rolled manuscript.

Breadth: 7.5 inches approx

Kindly check video below to view the entire manuscript. 

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